Lights, Camera, Invite! How to drive event attendance with personal video invites

How to Drive Event Attendance with Personal Video Invites

Generic event invites are “passé”.

Unless it’s a celebrated industry show, a bland email or banner won’t compel people to turn up.

Today’s event-goers crave experiences, and that starts with the invitation. The key is to capture attention by forging a genuine connection from the very first interaction. 

What if your potential attendees receive a video invite – and it’s you speaking directly to them?

Suddenly, your event isn’t just another item on their calendar; it’s a personal invitation they can’t ignore.

And that’s just the beginning of what personalized video invitations can do for your event. For example:

  • Speakers can entice participants to attend their sessions by sharing a sneak preview
  • Sponsors and exhibitors can share an exclusive reveal of their onsite activation, 
  • Event participants can share their personal stories – from seasoned attendees explaining why they chose to attend every year to newcomers highlighting what drew them – inspiring others with authentic experiences.


And many more.

Let’s understand why video invitations are a game-changer and how you can turbocharge your event sign-ups with them. 

Why personal video invites matter? 🎥

You’re scrolling through social media. A friendly face pops up, speaks to you and extends an invitation to their event. It feels like a personal conversation, tailored to trigger an intimate response.

Compare this with an ad or an email, lost in a sea of similar calls for attention.

Which scenario sparks your interest? Which feels more compelling – more human?

The stats speak for themselves:

  • A whopping 82% of shoppers have been persuaded to make a purchase after watching a video (Wyzowl)
  • Consumers are more than twice as likely to buy from businesses that leverage cutting-edge video technology (Idomoo)
  • 90% of marketers report a strong return on investment from their video marketing efforts (Wyzowl)


Personalized video invites forge a real connection that leads to real results. Here’s why they matter:

  1. Personal: Nothing beats a custom invitation, even if it’s virtual.
  2. Engaging: Videos hook the audience in ways that text simply can’t.
  3. Shareable: Video content gets shared quickly on social media.
  4. Versatile: From promotion to testimonials, videos capture emotions and stories

Enter Snöball: Your personal video invite buddy 🚀

Speaker using snöball's video testimonial solution and ready to record

You might be thinking, “video production sounds complicated and expensive.” 

That’s where Snöball comes in – enabling your audience to easily create video invites promoting themselves and your event. Here’s how it works:

Your participant:

    1. Gets a link in their inbox
    2. Records from anywhere, any device, nothing to install
    3. Follow a 4-step process and answers a few questions (that you can personalize) about themselves and their participation at your event
    4. Can re-record until they’re happy to submit. No stress about perfection! 


Once done, we do the curation and video editing for them before publishing on their personalized landing pages. 

You can now sit back and watch referrals and event sign-ups roll in.

Supercharge your event marketing with Snöball

Now that you’re fairly acquainted with video invitations, let’s understand how Snöball’s features can turbocharge your entire event marketing strategy:

  1. Event promotion videos: Get your speakers on camera. They’re passionate, articulate, and invested in your event’s success. Their video snippets can be the catalyst for the surge in your event registrations.
  1. Attendee and sponsor testimonials: Nothing sells an event like happy campers from the last one. Use Snöball to capture video reviews from previous attendees and sponsors – these can spark serious FOMO among your potential audience.
  1. Upcoming – Onsite video collection: Make the most of those precious face-to-face moments at your event. Set up a Snöball station on a tablet or send mobile links for attendees to record quick feedback videos. It’s like capturing lightning in a bottle – use these authentic moments to promote your current event and market the next one.


Don’t let your event be just another hashtag.

Maximize its visibility by amplifying the voices of the people you work with – the speakers, sponsors, and attendees.

Video massively levels up your marketing game by adding a personal touch and boosting your show’s credibility to the stratosphere.

Give them the megaphone to tell their stories and create a unique, people-powered narrative for your events.

Want to know more?

Book a 17-min chat with us here.